Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The alleged Salary dispute is allegedly over

NY Post reports:

Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz have closed deals to reup their roles in the next Twilight movie, "Breaking Dawn."

Greene and Lutz signed contracts last nights, acccording to sources close to the deal.

Movie studio Summit Entertainment, which has made billions off the franchise,
had been in negotiations with the two supporting characters since last
week, but the two actors reportedly wanted pay increases for the next
movie since the studio did not allow them to renegotiate on the second
and third films.

Summit caved in after the two actors held out for more cash. "The studio realized how valuable Ashley and Kellan are
to the franchise and did what they needed to do to keep them," said a
source close to the situation.

Reports said the kids have been trying to score paydays of $1.5 million. Sources said they two will receive close to that amount to
continue on in their roles. "It was a good deal," said the source.

The money is still much lower than what Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and
Kristen Stewart are supposedly pulling in.

"Breaking Dawn" will be the fourth and fifth movies of the Twilight franchises.

Mandy's Mind-

I still stand by my previous statements that this "Dispute" was actually just normal negotiations, everyone plays hard-ball to get the best (Sumjit wants to pay less to save, actors agents want them to make more and they meet in the middle)

I am glad to hear this news - I did always think it was simply a scare tactic from Summit to "replace them" in hopes they'd setllte lower (well, their people [lawyers, agents etc.] would settle lower)

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