Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cameron Bright Q & A at Twilight Convention in Vancouver

Cameron Bright made his first apperance at Creation's Official Twilight Convention this weeked in Vancouver.

He did 2 sessions, one Saturday and one Sunday and I really enjoyed meeting him. I have included both Q&A Sessions here as well as a coupkle photos - I took so many I knew it would take hours to upload and tag so I have only chosen a couple from each session.

Cameron Bright’s Q &A Summary from Saturday

Fans submitted various Questions and Cameron Bright took time to answer them all.

Most Embarrassing moment?
On April Fools Day his mom stole his car and parked it down the street. She played it up so well, the day before she mentioned weird people staring at his car and really built it up.

He talked about the red contacts and how cool they were.

He also had a very relaxed attitude. He seems so down to earth

Who does he look up to?
He says he thinks everyone should live their own life. Actor or not, everyone is human. He says he does like Robert De Niro because he is so famous but you never see him in tabloids or anything. He worked with him in his first movie and just always admired him.

Fave School Subject?
PE. Math is the worst. And English he doesn’t understand, he speaks English, he can read and spell (Wait until the next session where he proves he actually can’t spell as well as he thought ha ha)

Scariest moment?
The first time he went fishing there were two orcas mating. They slammed into their boat which was about 17 feet long. He looked right into their eyes and it was very scary. He says you often forget how strong and tough these whales are until you see them eating seals and tearing them apart.

Odd Fan Encounters?
He says he gets a lot of marriage proposals. He is 17 and they have never met him but they hold signs asking to marry him.

He continues to say “humans are humans” he is from the island (Vancouver Island) and so he is laid back, relaxed and believes in mutual respect. Acting is just a job. Says he loves doing conventions because he can get out and meet people.

Coolest part of the set?
Definitely the Volturi Set. It was done with such amazing detail not only creatively but for example there was a drain in the floor… for blood to drain out of. Just really well thought out.

How was it filming 4400?
4400 was a great show (I agree) but he hadn’t heard of it before he was in it. They filmed locally and for his scene he was outside a museum in Vancouver yelling “I’ king of the world” and people stared at him because they didn’t shut down roads or anything. One lady wanted to get into the museum and they told her it was closed but she didn’t believe them. She threatened to call the police and they said “we have police here” and pointed to the police on set and she said “well I am going to call the REAL police” because she thought they were just extras or something. She was crazy, but he looked crazier shouting “I’m king of the world” in the middle of downtown.

Fave Superhero?
He doesn't know, maybe spiderman?

Did you have to shave your head for X-Men?
He says he didn’t have to but he did shave it. He explained how bald caps look kind of funny on kids because they don’t sit right and wrinkle a bit so he decided he could either spend an extra hour on set each day getting fitted in a bald cap or shave his head. So he shaved his head. He said it felt funny but it was funnier when it grew back because it was like Velcro on his head and it was hard to sleep because it felt weird on his pillow.

Was Stephenie Meyer on set?
He said she was really great and was there almost each day he filmed (which we find out later was a bout a total of 2 weeks between both movies) She was very helpful.

Fave Role?
Running Scared because it makes you think, he likes Twilight for the same reason.

Best part of filming Eclipse?
It was cool he says, because he was outside a lot. He enjoyed doing wire work and seeing little Dakota Fanning bounce around trees was funny. He talked about how Daniel Cudmore is a big guy but he was “floating” around (Dan talks about this during his Q&A which I will post also) Cam said that Volturi are SO cool they don’t just run fast, they float around. (Super cool, I hadn’t heard that had you?)

How was the audition process?
He didn’t actually audition, he was offered the role. He had heard about the books and was excited to be involved.

Fave muffin?
Banana – Chocolate Chip

What’s Dakota Fanning like?
He talked about how he had been acting for 11 years and his friends always teased he should work with or date Dakota Fanning. (His friends bug him and call him “Hollywood”) but he never expected to be at “that level” (to work with Fanning) so when he found out she would be his twin sister he was pretty excited. He said she, like everyone on set, was super cool, professional, just do their job and are friendly.

Has he ever been star struck?
He sais people are people and he tries to just have mutual respect for everyone and not be star struck. He says there was one moment when he was talking to Tom Cruise on the phone he felt star struck. He had been filming “Birth” with Nicole Kidman and her son Conner came over. He found out “Conner’s dad wants to call and thank you for having him over” and he thought “cool – wait – his dad is Tom Cruise” He said he didn’t say much he was star-struck then.

Canucks and Hockey talk came up and he said (on both days) “Don’t get me started” It is clear he is not a Crosby fan “I can grow more ficial hair than him and I am 17” and he is really sad Canucks are out but will be rooting for Canadiens. He talked about meeting the Canucks and how cool that was. He also said it was strange he went to a Canucks game and the next day he heard Nira Arora on the Beat 94.5 saying “Twilight star Cameron Bright spotted at Canucks Game” and he wondered who saw him because no one came up to him.

First Role?
As a pixie in a BC Tel/Telus Commercial

Weird Fan requests?
To bite him. Gross.

Which costume did he prefer between New Moon & Eclipse?
Eclipse for sure.

How did he get into acting?
A family friend talked to him mom and got him signed up.

Tim Hortons or Starbucks?
Timmy’s for sure you can get a soup, sandwich and coffee for less than a coffee who’s name is longer than his.

What is he scared of?
Spiders (Fan points out he said his fave superhero was spiderman, oh the irony)

Fave pastime?
Do nothing, relax

He talked about how awesome Nanimo bars are Mmm.... they are delicious!

If he could be a different character in Twilight who would it be?
Jane. Everyone’s scared of her and she messes with everyone. It would be fun.

A fan asks about his jerelery he is wearing, he says it all has significance and he tells brief story about each piece.

Has he been bungee jumping?
No, he is scaredof elastic’s breaking. But he knows the owners of the Nanimo company and played ping pong with them. People mention you can go naked on Valentines day (this comes up with a few actors over the weekend ha ha)

Fave Place?
BC for sure, it has everything you want.

Any flaws?
He says it is plural and his mom says from audience “just look at his room” ha ha Cam defends himself saying he isn’t home that much to clean it.

What super power would he want?
Power to breathe underwater and explore or talk to animals, but he thinks that may get annoying because they’d always be talking.

Any tattoos?
He doesn’t have any, he’d like to get his last name “Crigger” across his back (Yes, his last name for acting is Bright but it’s his mom’s last name) but he says it isn’t good for acting to have big tattoos and need a lot of extra make-up to cover up for certain roles. He’d also like to get tear drops on his fingers so if people were complaining he could go “boo hoo” with his fingers and have tattoo’s tear drops. Ha ha

Fave Place in Vancouver?
Dip on Robson and El Kartel. He loves downtown and he loves to shop especially for shoes.

He talks about online schooling and a need for self-motivation to get it done.

That was it for his first Q & A.

On Sunday he did a 2nd one, there were some repeat questions but a lot of new faces in the crowd so he answered some again for them..

Between Scenes what does Cam like to do?
Just goof off. Twilight sets are cool because the cast is mostly his age compared to other films were he’s been the youngest by several years.

Fave actor to work with?
Peter, who was still doing autographs backstage yells “Peter Facinelli” so Cam laughs and says he doesn’t favour people he treats everyone the same but he enjoyed working with Peter as well as Robert De Niro and just everyone he has worked with.

Will the Canucks every win the Stanley Cup?“Don’t get me started” he says again. And the hockey banter continues between him and a few fans. His fave player is Bertuzzi (which got some shocked reponses) or Matt Cooke but not Crosby. He says he met the Cauncks and you wouldn’t want to mess with them.

What is his ringtone on his phone?
It’s always on vibrate

Where did he get those awesome shoes?
Yesterday at ADIDAS

He talks about shoes and how he loves unique and crazy styles. He says he buys them when he travels like souvenirs. There is debate as to why he doesn’t buy postcards and he says he likes shoes best.

What did he do when he found out he got the part?
Danced like a little girl.

How long did he work on the movies?
About 2 weeks total. 1.5 for New Moon and 3 days for Eclipse.

A question came from a strange voice “Um, who is your faveourite co-star? Peter Facinelli or Robert DeNiro?” It was Peter asking from back stage, he poked his head out and Cam kind of snuck up on him back stage. They joked around a bit it was funny.

Then Peter left and a few girls huddled towards peter so cam joked “Peter, leave the building man” ha ha it was really cute.

He talked cars, I didn’t really follow because I have no knowledge on vehicles and was completely lost.

Fave Movie?
He has a lot but one is Saving Private Ryan.

Does he hang out on set or off set with his co-stars?
He says they are all awesome but he tries to give them space because in the industry he knows they don’t get a lot of alone time so he tries to respect that. “The whole cast is dope” he says.

Does he like being bad?
Yes! Being bad you can be any level of bad you want, you can even be good when you are bad, but when you are good, you have to be good and so he prefers to be bad.

What did he eat a lot on set?
Grilled Cheese Sandwich, it reminds him of childhood. Dipped in ketchup.

Fans ask his shoe size.
Size 10-ish. He loves the wacky shoes “wackier the better”

He doesn’t get why paparazzi follow celebrities around, he says everyone should be treated the same. This is something he obviously believes in as it come sup a lot both days. You can tell Cam is very down-to-earth and approachable.

Any nicknames?
I had tweeted that his mom calls him “Snickerdoodles” but I was wrong… I talked with her at the convention and introduced myself. She also messaged me later that night and said it was “Schnookerdoodles” – awwwn….

Fave Type of music? Artist?
Hip-hop and Rap. He likes Lil’ Wayne

Fave Horror Movie?
Quarantine. He says he liked that it was done from the one camera angle and was unpredictable and could happen. He says most horror flicks he can guess what will happen just by the music or something.

Fans asked him to dance but he wouldn’t

He has a shoe line coming out soon, he loves unique and odd shoes.

Fave sports?
Soccer, Football and Paintball. He sauys paintball is surprisingly a good workout because you are running around all day.

Fave Vacation Spot?
He says he is going away for his 18th brithday

What a pleasure it was to have Cameron Bright at the Convention. I hope you appear at more conventions.

1 comment:

  1. kenzluvsCamBright4everAugust 17, 2010 at 7:52 PM

    wow Cameron sounds like a very down to earth, but at the same time awesome person! we actually have a lot in common, which im pleased about! (im 14.5) confession: i have a HUGE crush on him! i <3 u Cam!
