Wednesday, May 5, 2010

CONFIRMED: Breaking Dawn hits Theatres November 18, 2011

Rumours have been swirling for a week or so about the release date for Breaking Dawn.

Hit Fix got confirmation from Summit that the Breaking Dawn film will be released in theatres November 18, 2011.

This news comes just days after the announcement of Bill Condon as director of Breaking Dawn but before any decision on how many films will be made.

Rumour has been for months that Breaking Dawn will be split into two films, which seems likely due to the amount of content, high demand from fans and recommendation from screenplay writer Melissa Rosenberg, as well as creator and novel author Stephene Meyer, who will also produce Breaking Dawn.

Nikki Finke at Deadline Hollywood reported earlier today:
Save the date, Twi-hards: November 18th, 2011. the studio still has no official word on whether it's be 2 films or one -- but Deadline sources still say it'll be 2 pics and Bill Condon will direct both.

Time will tell how many films will be made but we can start our Breaking Dawn Countdownfor November 18, 2011.

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