Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson hand writing fonts available to download

Twilight Poison has created a "Kristen Stewart font"

Here is what they say:
Due to the overwhelming support and love for our RPattz Handwriting Font, I decided to work immediately on a KStew Handwriting font since I won’t be having much time in the next weeks. This past weekend I started the process of making a font from all the autographs and little messages to fans that Kristen has written and that I found scanned online. What you’re seeing above was taken from her actual handwriting and then processed into font, which you can download and use with any picture editing software like Photoshop or Paint. You can google her autographs and see this is in fact her handwriting.
It took me less time to make her font than Rob’s, because bless her, her handwriting is more legible lol. Also all the scans that I found online were in super high quality, which helped a lot.

This font is more complete than Rob’s. It features a period, exclamation mark and quotation marks. This is because I actually found them in many of Kristen’s autographs, which I didn’t find in Rob’s. To keep Rob’s more authentic I didn’t fake characters, so his font only has letters.

The text above was written in capital letters because that’s how she mostly writes her autographs, however there’s also letters in miniscule, and those look like this:

Here is the Rob font they created:

There is directions on how to download the fonts as well as a disclaimer on how it isn't illegal and can't be used for anything bad...

fine fine - I still find it a bit odd, even creepy.

Yes, Kristen's writing is cool looking.... Rob's is - well, messy.... but I personally never understood the fascination with this kind of thing. I don't get why people buy autograqphs, I'd want to get them in person - and even then, I have never asked for an autograph when I met Kristen, Taylor, Rob, Nikki, Peter, etc. I got photos, but for me photos were more interesting... Perhaps if I meet them again I will get autogrpahs, but I just love photos more than scribbles ;)

Just Me?

1 comment:

  1. The Twilight Poison sample font does NOT look like Rob's handwriting, esp his signature.Click:

    I've also seen him signing posters for fans in youtube vids. His writing has an easy, opened flow to it. It's creative & beautiful - just as he is.
