Sunday, May 23, 2010

L.A. Twilight Convention Seating Chart

Here is a seating plan for the convention.

And this photo shows the "Glass Partitions" which aren't really that bad at all. Of course there won't be tables like this photo shows, it is only to see the glass "walls" that are in place.

I know Allison an Twifans started a seating chart to fill people who were going in - I am hoping to add to that with anyone who tweets me or comments here or emails me their seat #. I hope to meet as many people as I can because at the Vancouver Convention there were tons of people I'd hoped to meet and didn't.

Once I get my official seat # I will post it also.

I can't wait!

[Via TwiFans]

1 comment:

  1. does anyone else know how the seating works on this thing.. i have CR and CQ, which im assuming is horrible lol
