Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rachelle Lefevre at Oprah’s Mother’s Day Walk

Rachelle LeFevre took part in a charity walk in New York City on Mother’s Day that was organized by Oprah Winfrey. A variety of causes earned money. Rachelle was specifically raising money for Best Friends Animal Society which is an organization that provides education on responsible pet ownership, encourages adoptions, etc. Rachelle met her goal and raised $1,250 for the cause. Rachelle and her boyfriend, Jamie, are HUGE pet lovers. They sadly lost their dog Honey earlier this year right, but they are still the proud owners of Jack Sprat and Momma Bear, two rescue adoptees.

Before starting the walk Rachelle took the time out to chat with some Brazilian fans and to give one a birthday shout out.

[Via Twilight Lexicon]

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