Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You want to attend a Creation Official Twilight Convention? Here are the Basics

If you've never been to an Official Twilight Convention allow me to give you a little bit of information. Of course they vary each time with different hotel lay-outs, different guest celebrities and so on - but here is what I notice to be fairly consistent from the two I have already attended (and loved)

Which ever hotel it is at usually has rooms blocked off at a cheaper rate. It is nice to stay at the hotel because you are only an elevator ride away from all the action. It's especially nice for whipping upstairs to freshen up for a meet & greet or photo op....or prepare for the Volturi Ball.

Plus, you can enter a draw to win $300 if you stay in the hotel.... very cool!

Lobby / Entrance to The Convention:
This is where the registration happens. Sign in, pick up your wristbands and ask any questions to Creation's awesome staff.


This is usually a room near registraion that has tables set up with a number of awesome people selling you Twilight merchandise or services. There is usually make-up artists, t-shirt creators, Creation's glossy prints for autographing and collecting, and every kind of Twilight Merchandise you can think of.

Also very cool, if you win any of the gift certificates through contests or draws you can use it to go shopping crazy in this wonderful room of Twilight.

Q&A Submission Boxes:

These are usually near registration table off to the side. A number of boxes with celebrity photos on them and a time to submit questions before. There will be pencils and sheets to fill out to ask your most pressing questions. Of course these are screened to ensure they are not insulting or inappropriate and the Hillywood go through as many as they can in the Q & A time. They even say your name and seat number so you can wave to the celebrity when your question is asked.

On Stage:
Besides all the Q&A's there are great presentations from different groups.

Fan Websites, such as Twilight Lexicon, do panels where they show photos, videos, tell stories, answer Questions on everything from The Real Forks, Being on Set, Red Carpet Experiences, Debunking Rumours, being at the Oprah Show / Eclipse Screening and more.

Coolest thing in Vancouver was that I was invited to join Twilight Lexicon for the panel on sets, since I had been to so many New Moon and Eclipse sets and had such awesome experiences.


Friday Night is karaoke. Fans get to sing along with celebrities in attendance. It's really fun and interactive.


There is usually two auction slots, one Saturday and one Sunday. You can bid (usually in increments of $5 - $10) for some amazing items. There were some major deals happening at the conventions I attended. Bring cash or credit card and take home some awesome items and autorpah opportunities.

My favourite items are the giant banners you can bid on and take to get signed by attending celebrities.

Volturi Ball

This was so much fun. I have heard people say "it will be all girls, how is that a fun dance?" Well let me tell you, it is a blast! They have costume contest, dance contest, photo ops with Hillywood, dance lessons with Hillywood, Vampire Court (winners of trivia that weekend who get make-overs and a "special surprise" which is typically a dance with a celebrity!

Kiowa performed, wildly for us in Vancouver as an added bonus


I did an entire post on brunch See it here.

It is amazing. Quality time with the celebrities attending, auction items, food and a great time.

Photo Ops

Photo Ops are available to add-on to any ticket type you decide to purchase. They are less money if you buy in advance and only available at the door if they haven't sold out, so both of these reasons I suggest pre-purchasing.

They are professional Photos and you line up when it is time but they line goes very quickly. It is not a meet & greet so you don't stay and chat for long, so make sure you know what you want to say before you get up there and smile the whole time for the photo SNAP!

You get a glossy 8x10 the next day (or if it is the last day you can get it online later) you can also get the .jpg file.


Included for Gold Members and available for purchase for all attending, they call you row-by-row to go get autographs. YOu can bring your own item or purchase something in the Vendors Room, or through the auction.

Here's my friend's:

I can say, from my experience at two conventions, If you want to do it all the Gold Package is best. It is the most "Bang for your buck" and you won't be disappointed.

If you just want to "go" the day pass is suffice. You still get into all the sessions in the main theatre (Q&A's, Panels from Fan Sites, Trivia, Auctions, etc.) as well as the vendors room.

Whatever ticket option you choose, there is lot's to do, see and enjoy. I really think you will have a blast at the next Convention you have an opportunity to attend!


[ Information based on personal experience and Creation's website - - - Photos from @Robbedmyheart @nucksgrl and @mandysmind ]

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