Thursday, May 6, 2010

What would you do? If Robert Pattinson knocked on your door? *updated*

Maria(the lucky fan) says: all started with an email to the Oprah show. I just told her
that the entire family were huge fans and if you came over and you were
NOT a twilight fan then "YOUR NOT COMING". Where? We didn’t know. We
just said your not coming to anything with us unless you were a fan.
They apparently loved that line. So Sunday night they called and said
that the show was totally booked but there might be a slight chance that
we can pre tape something with skype. Now...she said a very slim
chance. They were calling thousands of people. She asked me to send pics
of my family. So in order to get their attention I thought I would be a
great idea to take pictures as the “Cullen Family”. I waited all day on
Monday to hear from them to see if we would be doing the skype thingy.
Just when I started to give up it was around 10:30pm and they called.
THE TWILIGHT PICTURES DID THE TRICK. They were so amazed on how my son
Giuseppe looked so much like Edward. They told me to expect a skype kit
to pre-tape a very short segment around 8pm on Tuesday night. They told
me a hundred times “Sorry the show is full & we couldn’t give you
tickets. So on Tuesday the skype kit came and I waited all day again for
directions on how it was going to work. They called at 5pm and said we
were going to do a practice run with skype and we would be live with
oprah on the show in the morning. They told us do not dress up wear
comfortable cloth because you will be moving furniture and it was just a
test run. She actually told us to wear our pjs. At 8pm they called us
on the skype cam to set everything up. We wasted about on hour just
setting up the room. They kept telling me make sure all the blinds are
close the camera is sensitive to light. (which now I know it’s because
they didn’t want us to see him pull up.) They were asking random
questions really just filling in time until I saw a camera crew through
the small window on my front door and the people on skype heard me and
said “go open the door” Well….that was it we all lost it. Screaming like
a bunch of maniacs. Rosanna was crying, Giuseppe was frozen and
everyone else was jumping a screaming. He stayed for about 10 minutes.
Even though it felt like a week. And we just were all amazed that he was
in our house. I told him me and Rosanna stalked him in NYC for the
Remember Me premiere and he said “yeah I think I remember you” which was
an obvious joke. I asked him is Kristen was here too and he said “well
fine…I’ll just leave then”. Other things were said but I was in so much
shock I cant remember. It is so weired. His lips were moving and I know
he was talking but all I heard was wah wah wah. (kind of like snoopy and
Charlie Brown). Then he told us we had tickets to the show. Again lots
of screaming. He was great. So nice. Funny. And sooo tall. You was
beautiful. I still cant believe it. So we went to the show and they had
our names on our seats so we felt to privileged. Robert, Taylor,
Kristen, & Dakota all sat and talked to oprah and then they showed
the footage of him knocking on doors. He went to 3 homes in Naperville.
We were the last ones. When he was leaving my house he said to the
camera “I really want to stay and hang out at this house.” It was
amazing. We all got a certificate to order Bella’s engagement ring from
eclispe. The audience got to see the movie while he made his visit to
our house. It is something we will never forget. Oprah & Robert was
great but hearing my kids say “thanks for making this
happen”……absolutely priceless!!!



Updated: Here is another encounter!!

Rob (center) is flocked by fans during a surprise visit to a Naperville home on Tuesday. Pictured here are Meggan McAlpine (from left), Jena Fakroddin, Jillian Petterec, Ellie Adochio and Jenny Petterec.

Naperville Sun: You’re not sup­posed to invite a vam­pire into your house, but when Robert Pat­tin­son of “Twi­light” fame rang the door­bell of the Web­ster family’s Naperville home Tues­day, all deco­rum — let alone rules — went out the window.

Pattinson’s appear­ance was part of a taped stunt set up by pro­duc­ers of “The Oprah Win­frey Show.” The actor made sur­prise vis­its to three Naperville homes that evening.

“Twi­light” cast mem­bers from the movie fran­chise about teen vam­pires were in town to tape an episode set to air May 13. The Web­sters were one of the fam­i­lies who had requested tick­ets to attend the tap­ing. Lit­tle did they know they would get a whole lot more.

Jeanne Web­ster and her daugh­ter Colleen, a sopho­more at Naperville Cen­tral High School, had been con­tacted by pro­duc­ers and told that no more tick­ets were avail­able. Instead, the pro­duc­ers asked if they could set up a video phone in the Web­sters’ home Tues­day night so Win­frey could talk to them remotely dur­ing tap­ing the next morn­ing. The Web­sters agreed and set­tled in for what they thought would be a dull night of tech­ni­cal setup.

“At 9 p.m. the door­bell rings and we saw this huge light and we were just scream­ing,” said Jeanne. “We thought it was Oprah at the door. My daugh­ter Colleen opened the door and it was Rob Pat­tin­son at the door to wish her a sweet 16th birthday.”

Another Naperville fam­ily, the McAlpines, also fell vic­tim to what would become a wel­come prank.

Lisa McAlpine’s 13-year-old daugh­ter Meg­gan had invited three friends over to watch the video-phone setup. They met a movie star instead.

“The poor man — they prac­ti­cally tack­led him,” said Lisa. “I don’t think he’ll have his hear­ing back for awhile.”

“I was in a state of shock at first,” said Meg­gan. “I always think if I ever meet these peo­ple this is what I’m going to say to them, but all I could do was scream.”

At the Web­sters’ home, Pat­tin­son stuck around for about 15 to 20 minutes.

“I had my glasses on and had taken out my con­tacts and had no makeup on,” said Jeanne. “I couldn’t believe it. He was really funny and answered all of (Colleen’s) ques­tions. He was a real laid-back type of guy.”

Pat­tin­son also handed out Oprah tick­ets, so Jeanne, Colleen and 17-year-old daugh­ter Shan­non attended the Wednes­day tap­ing, where they also got to see stars Kris­ten Stew­art, Tay­lor Laut­ner and Dakota Fanning.

“It’s been a crazy cou­ple of days,” said Colleen. “I can’t believe it. The first thing that went through my mind was, ‘This can­not be hap­pen­ing to me.’ I was com­pletely speech­less for the first time in my life.”


1 comment:

  1. Can you imagine? I love this, I love that he would do this. Especially since some people go absolutely, stark raving mad when they see him. Good for him, he's a good sport and I love him even more!
