Monday, June 28, 2010

New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 & 2 Trailer

OMG do you love it do you love it?

I can not WAIT to see this.... I think I should re-read the book in preparation.... I always say that about movies but never do because I have a zillion books on my "to read" list but for real, it's been a few years and I was so sad it ended so I think re-reading would be good.

I would love to see J.K. Rowling write more from the kids perspective... ha ha imagine Voldemorte had a kid too? not gonna happen but I am sure the kids could find some adventures of their own non?


  1. I hate to admit that I haven't read any of the HP books, but have and love all the movies. I had planned to read once all the movies done, but I may have to change that!

  2. I AM SOSOSOSOSOSO EXCITED. i cried when i watched the video. the 7th is my favourite, and i even read it 6 times last year >.> haha. we going to get tickets way in advance, and wait all day? ps. its jhoudiey.
