Wednesday, July 28, 2010

BC Long Weekend

We are approaching a Long Weekend here and I am excited to be getting an extra long - long weekend!

That's right ladies and ... well... gentleman (I only know of one male reader for certain ha) I am getting a vaycay - it's 5 whole days of NO WORK - well - not really...

I do not have to go into work, I do have some admin stuff to do from home but no bother...

I have an action packed weekend of amusement parks, concerts, fireworks, parades, family and friends.

Lucky for me it's slow Twilight News time so but don't fret, I will continue to blog about everything and anything Twilight, Reality TV, True Blood and movie fun.... scroll up and down for more posts from me over the next 5 days.

I really hope everyone is enjoying their summer.... please remember that those of you donating to my blog will be entered into a draw for autographed Twilight glossy prints and other Twilight goodies.

Thanks for Reading!

Recent Posts to enjoy (scroll down!!! down!!!! down!!!)

- Water for Elephants Set Photos
- Twilight News
- True Blood Stuff
- Comic-Con Reports
- Reality TV

Also Coming Soon:

- 100 Monkey's Tweets and Photos and Videos (They are coming Friday)
- Remember LA Twilight Convention? Yea - I have - oh - 5000 never-before seen photos (by never before seen I mean photos that everyone took but these ones are mine so they are better ha)

Anyways, 5 days off = happy Mandy


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