Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Break before 'Breaking Dawn'

This is supe4r cool to see:

All the Breaking Dawn bookcovers - so cool!

HOw do you all feel now with the wait for Breaking Dawn?

I look at it differently because in thepast even though there was a wait for the movie release there was still filming locally. For Breaking Dawn, filming will commence in the Fall and be partially here in VanCIty and partially in Baton Rouge Lousiana so even though there is a long wait for the film, there will be filming updates from me when they are local and filming updates from me via Louisiana natives while filming there.... not to mention the daily dose of news on our favourite Twilight cast and their other projects and endeavours...

so YES it is a long wait but NO the euphoria or fascination will not fade... the momentum will get stronger and we will all celebrate with the two Breaking Dawn movies...

Hollywood News posted this: "Eclipse" having released more than one week ago, Twilight fans have gotten their fix. Yet, the end of the wait for "Eclipse" marks the beginning of a long road—that to the release of "Breaking Dawn". The final film in The Twilight Saga has yet to even begin production, making the lead time between it and "Eclipse" exceptionally long.

Each of the first three films in The Twilight Saga had an in-between wait of one year or less: "Twilight" released in November of 2008; "New Moon" followed in November of 2009, and "Eclipse" arrived shy of eight months later, in June of 2010. Yet, Summit Entertainment announced last month that the first installment of "Breaking Dawn" will not release until November 18th of 2011. That makes for an in-between wait of some eighteen months, not to mention the wait to the second installment of "Breaking Dawn", which will release at an unnamed date in 2012.

Rumor had it that the "Breaking Dawn" film project took so long to get off the ground due to heated contract negotiations among nearly all parties involved. Secondary actors in particular were known to have played hardball when it came to compensation, and Stephenie Meyer is reputed to have staunchly held on to her rights to creative control.

Yet, did bottlenecks and negotiations jeopardize the film? It’s possible that they did. The longer the time to the next release, the greater the possibility that teen fans will outgrow the franchise. There is also the risk that other fans will lose interest, as history has proven even in other strong franchises. Long lead times between seasons jeopardized other media mega-brands, such as "Lost".


1 comment:

  1. My Thoughts? Well...I am glad that Im not the only one who is concerned about this. I am glad that you have added this post, because I was thinking about it since Eclipse was released.
    I am pretty sure that the wait is painfully enough. I mean, 18 months?? really??, and as you said, while we were waiting for the first three movies release... there were still filming.
    It's our first time waiting too long, maybe it is a big challenge for the fans, I mean, the real ones (I consider myself a real one) are being waiting patiently...and we'll be happy with any updated (from you especially) and with the daily news on our favourite Twilight cast.
    I will NOT lose interest, I mean, I'm not a teen fan, I am 31 years old, married with a 3 years old kid, I am not a young gal anymore, so I am pretty sure about my stuff, especially about the Obsession I have. My Obsession with this Saga, the books, Rob, Kris, Tay. Oh God! I love them so much.
    So here I am, paciently waiting for Nov/2011, even though I am trying that this wait doesnt be so painful, I will always be a TWILIGHT fan... "until my heart stop beating".
