Thursday, July 15, 2010

Melissa Rosenberg talks Sex and Nuptials in Breaking Dawn

Melissa Rosenberg is the mastermind behind turning the beloved Twilight novels into the blockbuster Twilight Saga films. Rosenberg is setting out to please many twi-hards with the Saga's final Breaking Dawn films.

“I don’t think we’re planning to shy away from anything,” she told “I think the birth should be as horrifying as it is in the novel. The sex scenes should be as scintillating as they are in the novel, as erotic as they are in the novel. All of it, I think we should see all of it.”

What about Bella and Edward’s nuptials? Will it live up to fan’s expectations? According to Rosenberg, “We want it to be just a beautiful, lush, epic wedding. And I think it will be.”

read more at OTRC

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