Friday, July 16, 2010

One for the Money - Stephanie Plum Movie filming in PA

I love Janet Evanovich. I have read many of the Stephanie Plum series but take breaks between each because I don't want them to end - ever.

If you haven't read them please do.

I don't usually choose detective fiction or mystery books, however, in University I took a course that specialized in Women in Detective Fiction (why ? If I don't usually like mystery novels? because I took literally EVERY SINGLE English Lit class my university offered - little known fact about moi - but let's move on)

Besides reading a ton of novels from various eras (including Agatha Christie, Dorothy L Sayers, and others) my professeur was incredibly passionate about this genre of novels.

She easily got me interested and although I never thought I'd enjoy them, I read and loved every book. SOmething about trying to solve the crime and going through it from a females perspective was interesting.

By far, my most favourite of the authors was Janet Evanovich, who's series about the young Stephanie Plum had be actually laughing along and staying up late to finish.

Long after I graduated University I kept reading the books....

When I first heard they were making a movie I was excited. Some co-workers and I started "casting"

Our pick for Stephanie Plum would have been Sandra Bullock.

Unfortunately, Katherine Heigl was cast.... not feeling it...

WE cast all the characters but it was back in April and I can't even recall who we had chosen to be honest .... Queen Latifa for Lula....

IMDB lists:

Katherine Heigl ... Stephanie Plum

Daniel Sunjata ... Ranger

Jason O'Mara ... Joe Morelli

Patrick Fischler ... Vinnie Plum

Cristina Aloe ... Connie

The movie doesn't come out til 2012 but they are filming in Pittsburgh currently. Seems like a long time eh?

**Edit - as commented below - 2011 is actual release date? I hope so


  1. Movie will be out in 2011 IMDB is wrong. It is LULA not LULU. Sandra Bullock would have been a good choice in 1993 but is 46 now, not 30 and Janet Evanovich has said she is too old to play her now.

  2. LOVE these books!! i didn't know they were doing them into movies; so exciting!

    and ya, i can't see Katherine Heigl as Stephanie either

  3. were are they filming this week?

  4. they should have found a new "no name" actress for the part of Stephanie...I'm sure there's a lot of 30 year old actresses out there who could have fit the part much better than Heigel. I'm so disapointed.

  5. I agree with anonymous. This is a role for an unknown actress. Disappointed, too.

  6. I think Kathrine Heigel can pull it off, but she wasn't my first choice either. I can't wait to see who will be Grandma Mazur...Betty White comes to mind!

  7. I had Kelly Ripa pegged for Stephanie and her husband Mark Consuelos as Ranger. Think they would have been perfect. But since they went virtual unknowns for Ranger and Morelli, guess they needed a big name somewhere. Looking forward to the movie, too bad it's been pushed to '12 - long wait.

  8. i agree with a no name actress. i just hope heigel can pull it off. it would be very disappointing if not.
