Friday, July 2, 2010

UK Fans felt "Robbed" without ROb at Premiere

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Twilight fans have warned the main three characters of the movie saga not to shun a UK premiere again.

No official reason was given as to why Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner did not attend.

However, it is thought Robert is filming in LA and was unable to break his schedule.

Fans at the premiere told Newsbeat that hundreds more would have camped out and attended if the three main stars had come along.

The stars that did attend included Xavier Samuel, who plays newborn vampire Riley, as well as Kellan Lutz who is one of the Cullen family members.

Also there was Ashley Greene who plays Alice Cullen, Edward's sister.

'Completely shocked'

She said: "You know what, because we have so many fans in so many places they've had to split us up across the world and so, unfortunately we can't all make it to everything.

"But they seem pretty excited, the fans, so that's a good sign."

While Nikki Reed who plays Rosalie Hale was pleased with the turnout: "I'm feeling great. I'm completely shocked. I had no idea.

"This feels just as big as the LA premiere. I'm surprised so many people turned up and Rob isn't here.

"I know Rob would have loved to have been here, but he's shooting a movie in LA and I don't think he was allowed to come."

Twilight fan Alison, 20, admitted that Robert's absence was a bit of a let down. She said: "I'm disappointed, but I think the cast is so big, they've got so many of them coming it's going to be fantastic regardless.

"We should be prioritised though to be honest. At the end of the day Edward is British. Robert Pattinson's British, he should be here."

Some fans had even camped in London's Leicester Square, staying for more than 30 hours, to make sure they got a good spot along the barriers to see their favourite cast members.

Seventeen-year-old Ben had travelled down from Newcastle and said he was secretly pleased the top stars hadn't come.

"I am very disappointed. It would have been nice to see them. But I'm also glad because there would have been millions of other people here and we wouldn't have got such a good spot."

Mandys - Mind - Get over it people! The movie is more than just the main three... granted, if you were TOLD ROb would be there and he wasn't that is one thing but you weren't and if you were a hard-core Rob fan you would probably have known he is filming Water for Elephants and has a very strict schedule which didn't even allow him to do much promotion. Canada didn't get anything... many cities got nothing, so be happy you got some amazing cast members to fly half way around the world from their busy lives to see you... also Ashley loves you more than LA fans so there ya go ha ha

[Via TwiFans]

1 comment:

  1. Taylor is also working, on Abduction in Detroit. Thur apperance on Letterman was filmed Monday, then he left NYC.
