Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bachelor Pad

Bachelor Pad is as much drama and excitement as I anticipated... Loved the first episode... The premise is this:

past contestants from Bachelor and Bachelorette live in a house and compete for money. Weekly conpetitions give them a ROSE which keeps them safe from eviction and allows them to invite some houseguests on a date and choose one to keep safe that week also. Then the ladies vote out the men and the men vote out the women. First episode had Craig M at risk but he won and kept Jessi safe. There are more chicks then dudes, for now...

Chris Harrison hosts...

I love it!

Here are the houseguests:

-Tenley (Jake's Season)

I wasn't really a fan of her on Jake's season, I feel like she was too fake and played off her "innocence" - annoying! But, I feel like this show may expose a different side of her and I can't wait... she's a good girl, I'd like to see her happy.

-Jesse (Ali's Season)

OMG! I am SO glad he on... he is amazingly hot and wanted him to stay on Bachelorette just so I could see him more, but wanted him to leave because I didn't want him with Ali and also because I thought he was more the boy toy type.... mmmm... I just like to stare at him... in slow motion... rawr!

-Natalie (Jason's Season)

I didn't watch Jason's season, only the "After the Rose" when he changed his mind ha ha.

-David (Jillian's Season)

OMG I hated David, his eyes creep me out, but he seems cool so far.

-Gwen (Aaron's Season)

I love Gwen, she is totally old, as indicated by her ?? age shown on the show... but she still has a smoking bod and I like to see some old school represent!

-Jessi (Jake's Season)

Her wandering/lazy eye is annoying to get past, but she is super sweet, Canadian and let Ali know what was up when "Rated R" was three timing his gf.

-Weatherman (Ali's Season)

Whiney and annoying...

-Nikki (Jason's Season)

Again, didn't watch Jason's season... but she is drama.

-Juan (Jillian's Season)

Juan was like the weatherman, whiney, annoying!

-Wes (Jillian's Season)

#1 villian - please... Rated-R tried to one up you ha ha... Whatever, Wes is entertaining.

-Krisily (Charlie's Season)

I don't remember her well, though I did watch Charlie's season, not religiously. She is annoying so far.

-Elizabeth (Jake's Season)

Elizabeth is CRAZY - like Michelle crazy... her "no kissing" games with Jake were annoying and then on Bachelor pad she is all obsessed with oor Jesse K and being psycho!? send her home!

-Jesse K (Jillian's Season)

He's a total sweetie and I am disappointed he got involved with crazy Elizabeth... sure she is hot but also nuts... hope she doesn't ruin his game.

-Kiptyn (Jillian's Season)

I LOVE KIPTYN!! Seriously, he is all kinds of amazing and I hope to see him happy, whatta catch!

-Ashley (Jake's Season)

She annoyed me on Jake's season with her pilot outfit and squeaky voice... she isn't as bad (yet) but something about her just rubs me the wrong way - thoug those are the people they want on the show ha ha.

-Peyton (Andy's Season)

Did I watch Andy's season? I so don't remember - it's all a blur!

-Michelle (Jake's Season)

Crazytown - still!

-Gia (Jake's Season)

Has a bf, is #1 hottie in all the boys books, I agree she is hot but I think others are hotter... *shrugs* she is a sweetheart and I look forward to seeing if she stays loyal to her bf (I am guessing not!)

-Craig M (Ali's Season)

OMG I HATE CRAIG!!! But he is so entertaining and it makes me laugh my ass off!

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