Friday, August 6, 2010

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

So do not read this if you don't want to know spoilers.

Last night's HoH competition was for endurance and that means it didn't air the winner but went on into the evening and will reveal the winner next episode (Tuesday)

SO Kathy was out first and she is the ONLY Have-Not this wee - poor gal. I really wish someone would tell her that Brittney, Hayden, Kristen and everyone were going to replace Kristen with her and send her home...

Anyhow the new HoH is Matt - again.... I predict he will put up Rachel and Brenden, then Branden will win Veto and take himself off and then Cathy will go up and hopefully go home?

THough Matt may switch it up and back door Brendon - we will see.

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