Monday, August 30, 2010

Forks & Portland October 2010

I will not only be attending the October Portland Tiwlight Convention, but also presenting. I have known for a while and mentioned it to a few close friends but as I have started to get emails from people I figured I might as well pblicly announce it on my blog.

Yes, I will be presenting at the convention and I am super excited to share some never before seen photos and stories of my experiences with the Twilight Saga.

I really hope to meet and see some of you again...

Details and Tickets available here

THe Convention runs Friday October 1 - 3 and before hitting Portland I will be in Forks for a night or two to meet up with lot's of Twilight bloggers who are going to Forks for the weekend.

I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! Have fun!!! Man, I wish I could be there...but I'll be galavanting around Vancouver with the hubs. I'm sure the presentation will be amazing. Can't wait to read all about it!
