Monday, August 2, 2010

Kerr Smith at Fireworks in Vancouver

So I went to the fireworks in Vancouver Saturday with my friend Adrian and who sits down beside us? Kerr Smith and Austin Basis from locally filmed Life Unexpected.

It was so funny, I saw them stop to decide on sitting and then they started moving the sand around (it had just rained briefly) and setting up. As Kerr turned around I was in shock, it was Kerr Smith! Jack from Dawson's Creek and Ryan from Life Unexpected.

They chatted with us briefly, casually about the rain and setting up and what not.

After a few minutes of casual chit chat I felt like it would be weird to go on acting like I didn't know who they were, so I said "hey, I am a huge fan can I get a picture with you and Austin?"

They were super friendly and seemed quite happy I knew who they were and watched the show. Austin's girlfriend took the photos and we chatted about the show, Vancouver, local resturants, etc.

They were so sweet and down-to-earth.

Later they shared their cheese - it was hilarious they had the portable cheeses and Kerr held them out like a watch sales man, what kind do you want? ha ha!

We all enjoyed the fireworks and Kerr did a video/podcast of the fireworks and interviewed me giving me some Season 2 Life Unexpected "scoops"

He asked if I was Team Baze or Team Ryan - I hesitated (I am team baze, but he plays Ryan) he nudged me repeatedly so I said (unconvincingly I am sure) "Ryan"

ha ha "See there are Ryan fans out there" ha ha he also said that Season 2 things get stirred up and some Team Baze may not be Team Baze - time will tell.... makes me excited to see season 2 which is filming now. Also talked about some of the sets and filming locally.

After good laughs I asked him to take a pic with a "Hi Amy!" sigh (as per my friend Amy's request) I didn't have paper but I did have sticky notes (I always do in my purse, don't ask ha ha) so I snapped some photos of that and even did a video, though it was dark... I will still post it on youtube and if/when he posts his video I will link it for you to see.

Anyways - Kerr is super sweet - and Austin and his girlfriend were super friendly - - - I enjoyed meeting the 3 of them at the fireworks Saturday night.

Check out Life Unexpected on the CW - Season 2 filming now so you have time to catch up on Season 1.


  1. I really like that show. If only they actually filmed in Portland.

  2. Love the show.I'm quite disappointed that the show was called off air :(

