Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Montreal Fan Photos with Kristen and Tom.... RobStu, KStu, RObsten, Trio?

Here are two fan photos from Montreal where Kristen Stewart is filming "On the Road" of course people are frantic with why Tom Sturridge is there - some say he has a small role, (he is an actor this is likely!!) others speculate a relationship, (but isn't she with Rob? wait he is Rob's bff.. oh the scandal) I have an idea - maybe he decided to go visit a friend? LoL

If Tom and Rob are besties, and Kristen and Rob are tight, then wouldn't it seem like Tom and Kristen would be close also? Friends hanging out, fellow actors working together, who cares...

I've always joked that Tom and Rob could be more than friends... (bring on the hate mail) you never know LoL

Maybe it's a funky three-way?


regardless, let's not read too much into it ladies and gents... perhaps Rob is up there too and staying hidden? or joining two of his besties, Kristen and Tom after he handles his LA biz....

who knows - who cares - it's rad to see new photos though :)

[ Via Twilightish Via Twitter: @GustavoCS6 and @MiguelRC7 ]


  1. Love the pics. Lol. The pics look to have been taken at the same time, and all of them look the same but the kid on the end. Its odd. Think it was a wardrobe change?

  2. I saw on Twitter it's two different people, two friends. And I'd just like to say THANK YOU, because that is exactly my thoughts. Geez let them be!!

  3. Ha ha ha I always think the same, that Rob and Tom could be more than friends!! hahahahaha (joking)

  4. I don't need a picture to get the picture, you know? I have no doubt he's there, and good for all of them! I hope they have a great time and don't get bugged. I happen to think that its because people insist they have to see pics that it drives the paps to their extremes. They get more money, bigger news, because they got the shot that everyone wanted. If a pic does come out, I'm not jumping all over it, I'm not surprised.
