Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rob Photos with fans in Montreal Last night

I like this one because Tom Sturridge is chilling behind him... I am surprised there aren't any photos of people with Tom (yet?) He's a cutie patutie!

FYI - the woman is Alexandra Maria Lara, who is Kristen's co-star's wife (Sam Riley's wife)

Apparently Kristen was working, as Rob told one fan who went up to him in a restaurant.

A few of my friends also met him in Old Montreal Last Night - they are going to email me their experience later today :)

I am really glad to hear friends and other fans met Rob last night and that he was out having fun and no one bothered him too badly...


Some were complaining he was drunk, um, he was drunk when he went out in Vancouver, London, Budapest, L.A. - - who cares he is an adult. Furthermore, he is not even filming right now (to our knowledge) it's his vacation, the first one in a LONG time! He was out with one of his besties, Tom Stu, he is allowed to drink!

Sheesh People!


  1. I am no jealous of all those fans and your friends that met him last night.

    I live in UK (not in London) but I never ever seen him around. I think I should camp in London when he will be there. lol

    take Care

