Thursday, August 12, 2010

Robert Pattinson at Nashville airport

Seems someone took these photos of Robert Pattinson at the Nashville airport last week - not sur ehow i missed them, damn real life....

Speaking of real life, it seems someone who worked for TSA took these photos - and weren't supposed to - tsk tsk - Now they are all over the internet and again, someone's job is in danger....

This happens far too often, people working on the films, airports, ovie theatres than have screenings, resturants, hotels, everywhere!

It's true, we all get excited and want to share news but you need to decide if the consequences are worth it...

There are times I have NOT posted things (oh if you could only see my own personal folder of photos mwahahahhaha) because I felt that either 1 - the consequences weren't worth it or 2 - morally, (or selfishly to be honest) I didn't want to share the photos with the entire internet world....

On the contrary, I do post a lot of things that others may not but that is the joy of having a blog - you do as you wish for the most part... just weigh your options and decide...


1 comment:

  1. I did see these, I love him barefoot. But it does seem pretty gross that a TSA employee is snapping these.
