Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SYTYCD Canada Results 20 becomes 18

Results from tonight's SYTYCD Canada Show - - -

More...I am happy that my power rankings were correct this week.

Here is a Summary of Tonight’s Results Show:

Opening Number:
"Jai Ho" - Slumdog Millionaire
Longinus Fernandes

This was amazing! The colours, the moves, the synchornization, everything was absolutely stunning!

Luther Brown
Tre Amrstrong
Jean-Marc Genereux
Special GUest - Mia Michaels

First 5 Couples out:
Charlene & Jeff - SAFE
Nathalie & Mackenzie - SAFE
Claudia & Yonni - Dancing for their lives
Kloe & Jonathan - SAFE
Julia & Jesse - SAFE

So far my Power Rankings were correct... let's see how the rest of the results go...

Next 5 couples out:
Kirsten & Jera - Dancing for their lives
Danielle & Sebastian - SAFE
Amanda & Denys - SAFE
Bree & Edgar - Dancing for their lives
Janick & Shavar - SAFE

After last week's horribly inaccurate Power Rankings, I am glad to see I was accurate this week.

Solo’s – Dancing for their life:

Yonni - sexy and great attitude
Jera - beautiful, acrobatic with lot's of spins a nice combo of his styles
Edgar - smooth but hard, great swagga

Claudia - Sexy but didn't bring as much as I would expect dancing for your life
Kirsten - beautiful movement she seemed really nervous and shakey
Bree - my favourite of the three ladies she used the whole stage high and low

Sent home:
-Hanni – not unanimous
-Shelaina – injury related.


Bree danced the best solo but was weakest out of the three when looking at their entire body of work so far. I was shocked by Yonni the most, I thought Edgar would go home.

And now we have a Top 18, check back next Monday for power rankings and next Tuesday for results. We will also have other fun things posted throughout the week.

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