Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Twilight Saga Eclipse Ring Tones from TwiFans

Alison over at TwiFans.Com was up late finishing these off last night and boy are they good. Eclipse Ring Tones you can download for your cell phone.


Here's a list of your options:

Jasper & Alice- Long version My apologies mam (26 sec)

Edward & Bella-Always be my Bella (26 sec)

Bella-There's nothing I am ever going to want more than Edward (7 sec)

Bella & Wolfpack-Wish Bella would call (18 sec)

Carlisle-Our kind is never more physically powerful (7 sec)

Charlie & Bella-OMG Dad...I'm a virgin (13 sec)

Jacob & Bella-WOW Chief Jacob (22 sec)

Edward & Jacob-If you ever touch her against her will again (12 sec)

Edward-Doesn't he own a shirt (5 sec)

Edward-(proposal) Isabella Swan, I promise to love you (12 sec)

Edward & Bella-Stop trying to take your clothes off (6 sec)

Bella-Fire and ice (27 sec)

Jacob-(Imprint)When you see her everything changes (28 sec)

Jacob & Edward-(tent) If we weren't natural enemies, I might like you (1:11)

Jasper & Emmett-Don't hold back...Not in my nature (7 sec)

Jasper-short version My apologies mam (6 sec)

Jasper-The 2 most important things to remember (21 sec)

Jasper-Never lose focus (7 sec)

Jasper-Never turn your back on your enemy (7 sec)

Alice & Jasper-After all how many times are we going to graduate high school (6 sec)

Jasper-Newborn speech to wolfpack (31 sec)

Jacob & Bella- long version Jacob kiss me, I'm asking you to kiss me (41 sec)

Edward & Bella-long version I would have courted you...(52 sec)

Jacob & wolfpack-short version Maybe I should call Bella & hang up (9 sec)

Riley- long version What do you want? (27 sec)

Riley- short version What do you want? (7 sec)

Jacob, Edward, & Bella-Team Switzerland (17 sec)

Edward & Bella-Now we have to tell Charlie...good thing you're bulletproof (45 sec)

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