Monday, September 6, 2010

Big Brother

So Big Brother last night showed us Hayden winning HoH and nominating Lane and Britney. I predicted this but I also wondered what if he had put Lane and Enzo up to back door Britney but Britney won Veto and saved Lane... THEN Enzo would have to go home right? Because Britney won veto and can't be put up and Lane is saved and Hayden is HoH... or am I wrong?

Anyways I looked at spoilers..


Hayden won Veto and keeps nominations the same....

So who will Enzo vote out? Britney would be likely but Hayden and Lane are likely to take each other, though taking Enzo would be good since he never wins anything, he also started the Brigade and could get votes that way....

In which case he could vote Lane out and have a better chance of being taken to the end by Britney or Hayden both who have played better than Enzo and may take him as an easy to beat...

I don't know time will tell.

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