Monday, September 20, 2010

DWTS - Another season begins

Another season begins and I am actually loving the "stars"


1 - Audrina & Tony - What an opener. Audrina has a body of a dancer... but her face was annoyingly muted.

2 - Kurt & Anna - He really impresed me surprisingly smooth.

3 - Kyle & Lacey (He is in Cory in the house) & Lacey - they were so entertaining. He has charisma!

4 - Rick Fox & Cheryl Burke - the height difference is hilarious. They floated, no glided nicely across the stage.

5 - Margaret & Louis - I loved the humour in the routine.

6 - Brandi & Max - not surprisingly awesome. She is a performer and has experience dancing. She even seemed sweet....

7 - Bristol Palin & Mark - She just seems too young and insecure. She was the Kate Gosselin tonight ha ha - pretty horrible

8 - Flornce & Corky - Brady Bunch Mom not so sweet and innocent ha ha

9- Michael & Chelsea - I love Chelsea
and Bolton isn't so bad either!

10 - Situation & Karina - wow - he is cocky... but he wasn't as horrible as I expected based on 5 days practice (they justfilmed season 3 Jersey shore? omg!)

11 - Jennifer & Derek - Dirty Dancing alumni, she was beautiful and amazing

12 - David Hasselhoff & Kym - only he gets the Pam Anderson look a like eh? Well, maybe not look a like but equally plastic. HOw is the hoff still such a star in Germany? He really is getting old eh? Something about The Hoff dancing to SEXBOMB was just wrong!

I kind of think and hope Bristol goes home... Situation was bad, but he is entertaining, Bristol has no flavour...

Who are you rooting for?

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