Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Fans Encounter with Robert Pattinson in London

After posting about fan encounters with Rob in London at a Marcus Foster show one fan directed me to her tale of the night....

More... That's me in the second pic, I just got DAZZLED!!! OMG I chatted with Rob for quite a while, he gave us an autograph and we stood directly behind him like (1 foot away) for most of the evening. He was with TomStu and Marcus Foster, no Kristen. Told him it was lovely to see him back in the UK and asked him about Bel Ami and lots of other stuff. Picked up something that fell out of his pocket and gave it to him. What a night!!!

From Lynne in the comments below: Thanks for the post ladies. I'm still on an adrenaline high. Rob was so lovely in person, very softly spoken and polite. He asked me my name when he gave us an autograph too. I told him it was lovely to see him back in the Uk and that we had missed him. I told him about the Facebook Group I am an admin of "Robert Pattinson...It's always been him" and about a welcome home gift the admins had sent him. He asked me where I'd sent it and I told him to his Agents in London. He laughed and said Oh. I said I was really looking forward to Bel Ami coming out and wondered when it would be released....he said "I too". Later that evening he was outside having a cigarette and I was outside too, a couple of other fans were getting pics so I asked if he wouldn't mind me having a pic and he was happy to oblige, he said "sure". I told him about a Ren & Stimpy tshirt we sent him as part of his welcome home gift and and he laughed. I said you must get really fed up of people asking you for pics and that I was sorry to ask and said he didn't mind, it was okay and he meant it. When we went back in to the church for the rest of the gig I was at the back buying a Marcus Foster CD then the gig started and someone had pinched our seats so we stood at the back and Rob, TomStu and Marcus Foster stood literally right in front of us I could have touched him without even stretching. His hair is growing back nicely and his beard is really quite long now. He looked as if he'd lost a little weight but still looked gorgeous. As he walked away after about 1/2 hour to go outside for a cigarette, a fan letter to Kristen fell out of his pocket. He didn't see it fall so I picked it up and touched his arm to get his attention to give it back to him. I said "you dropped this"....he didn't hear me because the music was loud so he said "sorry?" so I had to get up close to say it to him again. I passed him the letter and he said "thanks". When we left later he was outside having a chat and a beer with his buddies, so we just walked past and had to go home. I'm still on cloud 9, this is the stuff dreams are made of, in fact this was better than the dreams I've had!! What a night, one I'll never forget.

Thanks for all your lovely support ladies, sometimes people can be nasty about stuff like this. But if we felt at any time that Rob was unhappy with us approaching him we would have left him but he was happy to be talked to and sign autographs. The only thing he did ask was us not to take a pic of him inside the gig, he did not want to bring attention to himself. He was happy to have his pic taken with me outside when there were very few people out there. He is such a down to earth, normal person it was so strange. I have been a massive Rob fan for so long now, I live breathe, eat, dream everything Rob. I am a happily married mum of 4 kids but love this man and his work so much. He is a total phenomenon and I am so happy to have had this opportunity with him that I could only have ever dreamed about. I did briefly see him at the Remember Me premiere in London earlier this year as I had a ticket to see the movie and walk the red carpet but never "connected" with him, so this was just out of this world. I did want to stroke his beard I must admit, he seemed to do it alot. You could see the pure joy on his face when his buddy Marcus Foster was on stage doing his part of the gig, I could tell he was so happy to be there watching him. And I heard him laugh out loud just as we were leaving, it was like oxygen to me....I love to hear it. I'm not sure when I'm going to regain proper use of my legs, they still feel like jelly over 12 hours later!

Do you know what ladies, when I stood literally less than a foot behind (and slightly off to the side) Rob I just looked at his hair to see how much it had grown and at that little tail of hair that grows down his neck and his ears and his beard (it was long underneath) and his pout. Then I checked out his shoulders and yes they are big but not overly big, He wore a blue hoody and his white teeshirt and black jeans. I checked out his butt in his jeans but they were a little baggy to see too much. He had his addidas trainers on. I literally just stood there looking at him for half an hour but had to ocasionally look up at the band playing so he didn't realise I was looking at him but I'm sure he did. I wanted him to take off his hat. He has the most lovely colour hair, really golden brown and it's really thick too. Lots of it round the back. It's just starting to grow back over his ears. His beard looked really soft and he loved touching it. He also kept stretching his neck like it was aching, but I think it was a habit. He was texting a bit too and on the phone once or twice. Lots of little details keep coming back in my mind now x

More from Lynn in the comments at Robsessed

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