Monday, September 13, 2010

Help a young Twilight Fan Raise Money

I got an email from a young reader I know who has a great event going on that I wanted to share with you. Besides being a massive Twilight fan she also loves Bobby Long, Sam Bradley and Marcus Foster.

The music department at my school in New West is doing a "Bandathon" event on September 25th. It's basically a 12 hour mega rehearsal event involving students from grade 8-12. With every student doing at least 3 hours of playing.

The reason I'm emailing you is because I need to raise money so I get some help paying for my final senior band trip.

I'm not asking you to donate, though you can if you want!. I thought it would be great if you could tweet about this and blog about it? I want to raise as much as I can and you have a big audience!

45% of what I raise goes into my school account and that money goes directly towards paying for my band trip. Another 45% goes to the music department at our school, and they use that to pay for instrument repairs and to pay for new instruments. Then the last 10% goes to the New Westminster Purpose Society which is a local charity.

This is the link to the site, it's official and everything, there's more info on the site too. This link is the link to my specific page, and people can donate here using their paypal account or their credit card.

If you can - please donate - she's an awesome gal and it would help her out a lot!


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