Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More on Robert Pattinson at Crickets Bar & Grill in Lubbock

The Daily Toreador reports:

"Screaming girls, and guys, were crowded around the front door of Crickets Bar & Grill around 2 A.M Tuesday morning to get a glimpse of Twilight’s Robert Pattinson. Girls franticly fought their way to the front of the crowd, some with cardboard cutouts of the actor in tow, just to sneak a peek through the window.More...

Kevin McBride, the general manager at Cricket’s, said that Pattinson was just passing through with a couple of friends. While his friends enjoyed some karaoke and pool, Pattinson just tried to relax and keep to himself, he said.

“He was a real nice guy,” McBride said.

Although Cricket’s capacity is 253, they only let about 100 people stay in the building once Pattinson arrived, he said.

Roxane Fahim, a senior marketing and advertising major from Dallas, showed up to Cricket’s right when the superstar arrived. She said it was hard to tell if it was real or not, but once she sat down next to him, she realized it was Pattinson himself.

Although she didn’t get a chance to talk to him, she did hear him talking to his friends and people around him.

“You’d get kicked out if you tried to talk to him or take a picture with him,” she said.

Devoted Twilight fans Jessica Ramos and Angel Alavrado, both sophomore education majors from Lubbock, were waiting outside the back door of the bar to get a glimpse of Pattinson. They said they saw a picture on a teacher’s Facebook and preceded to call and confirm from that teacher Pattinson was really in Lubbock. Once they had verification, they were on their way to Crickets, Raymos said.

“We just took off,” Alvarado said. “We just grabbed our keys and left.”

While some wonder why a fan brought a Rob cut-out my question is why did these kids have their TEACHERS facebook? and why was that teacher posting real time photos of Rob at a bar? Around here teacher's don't have students on facebook, nor do they advertise that they are at a bar at 2am on a school night ha ha #justsayin

Here are pics from inside:

[Source ViaTwiFans]


  1. Why do people act so stupid???? I love Rob as much as the next person, but I just wouldn't ever line up outside some place, with my face plastered up against the window, fogging it up just to catch a glimpse. I wouldn't want to look that stupid in front of him!

  2. I would Love to meet Rob and get a picture, but not at the cost of his safety or anyone elses for that matter.
