Wednesday, September 29, 2010

On the Road Again...

On the road again tomorrow....

I hit the road early tomorrow morning with @Lorabell from TwiCrackAddict.

We have an adventure planned... care to live vicariously through us?

Read on.....

Leaving early in the morning with a pit stop to visit the famous house of Bella Swan which is being re-built in it's same location.

Cross the border and get some new tires for my car (I haven't got new tires since I bought the car brand new a few years ago - oops!)

Meet a friend or two along the way and ferry across to Port Angeles for some eats and meets with locals.

Arrive in Forks just in time for a Twilight Tour and then some eats and drinks with fellow Twi-fan-bloggers including but not limited to:


and oh dozens more

Sadly I am only staying Thursday evening and will miss meeting a few of these lovely twifans who arrive later Friday....

I will jet from Forks and head down to Astoria where Goonies was filmed!!! A few sites to see there and then down to Portland for Creation's Offical Twilight Convention.

We will arrive in time for Karaoke with Bronson & Kiowa as well as bevvies with fellow Twifans attending including but not limited to:



Saturday Morning we wake up early for a Twilight Set Tour with Catherine Hardwicke herself!

Then enjoy the convention all day - I am even presenting ;)

Saturday Night is the volturi ball and/or a night on the town with a group of girls

Sunday is another full day of the convention including another presentation by me - exciting!

Then we have one other special event before the long drive back home!

I will indeed tweet the whole way - I paid extra on my cell for USA Roaming data ;)

Wish you were there but if you aren't follow my tweets and I will blog it all Monday when I am home!



  1. Thanks for the shout! Ha ha I changed my twitter to It was so twired no harm no foul. Woohoo can't wait to meet you and share a cocktail for sure!

    xo J

  2. I'll follow along with your tweets! Sounds like a great weekend.
