Thursday, September 2, 2010

Premiere - Xavier Samuel with Fans

If you read my blog ever you know I have my favourites... and sometimes I go in cycles of my favourite of the week but others last... Xavier Samuel is one of those lasting ones... he is so sweet, and sexy and I just adore him! I hated that he had to die in Twilight because he was so good I wished he could be in more....

Anyways, at The Loved Ones Premiere in Australia some lucky fans got up close and personal with him for some photos... *droolz*


If you want to see my photos with him I have them on facebook - - I am under Mandy S Mind - add me and I will accept ;)

[Via TwiFans]

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes...the beautiful Xavier. He's part of the reason why my new team name is Team Robvierlielan ;)
