Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Survivor Opening

Another season of Survivor started tonight. The two tribes are young vs old.... I think young will last longer, but this will examine a few things in Survivor... wise knowledge vs young lack there of.... young strong bucks vs old fading bodies... of course there are weak youngsters and strong older players.... but we will soon see which traits are better... will the youngsters fight amongst themselves?

Tonight's episode was a good start...


Love first impressions. I do it also. Judge on looks, first words... it`s always interesting.

Jimmy JOhnson is an NFL coach and besides that I think it's just random people...

Medallion of power was interesting. I would have taken fire and gear only because I am incapable of camping without the basic functions and tools.

The one - legged girl is awesome but it sucks they all wanted to get rid of her from get go because of "sympathy vote"

I don't know if there is anything that exciting to draw me in this season except some cute boys and the fact that I am addicted to everything reality tv, even the terrible.

If you did not watch, you did not miss much but the young won immunity and the old tribe went to tribal council and argued about leadership and first impressions... ultimately they voted to send home Wendy Jo the chatter box goat girl ha ha

I am kind of dreading watching this each week but I am sure (hopeful) it will get more interesting...

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