Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Breaking Dawn Cast Breaks Bread at Cast Dinner in Baton Rouge

I remember near the end of New Moon, Eclipse director David Slade came to town, along with Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg and others involved with filming, and they all had a dinner-social at Blue Water Cafe.

It seems a tradition for the Twilight Cast to kick off a new movie with a "family" social dinner and they did just that in Baton Rouge in preparation for a 7+ month filming schedule.

TwiFans wrote:
The Breaking Dawn cast is filming for 7 months and last night kicked it off with a cast dinner at Fleming's Steakhouse in Baton Rouge. They didn't list Stephenie Meyer being in attendance but they did say producers.

Hollywood Life reports:

And our insider tells us that the cast (Taylor, Kristen, Rob, Bill Condon, producers, Nikki, Ashley, Kellan) got to the restaurant around 8:30 PM and stayed until 11 PM! The stars had a full five-course meal and ate everything from Prime NY Strip steak, crab cakes, soup, salad
and they even had “fresh redfish” flown in especially for the occasion!
They finished their meal with a choice between fresh berries,
cheesecake, and creme brulee.

The cast, we’re told, was “extremely nice” and everyone remained seated throughout the night, instead of getting up and walking around the joint. Our source tells us that they even asked for the “music to be
turned down” so they could hear themselves talking to each other!

Rob wore a vintage T-shirt with a shirt unbuttoned over it with slacks, and Kristen wore jeans. They were seated right next to director Condon, Ashley and Nikki, and spent most of the night talking to them.

More here.

Mandy's Mind - This is exciting news and it reminds me so much of the excitement when it was here. Except, this time, I won't be out and about late - instead I will be glued to my computer to hear reports from locals, or emails from my friends who are locals :)

Stay Tuned - I wll share what I learn as it comes to me ;)

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