Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Trip - Day 1

Finally I am getting to START blogging on my AMAZING trip....


I woke up early and took my kiddo to school, kissed my husband good-bye and went to pick up the lovely @Lorabell.

We had a pit stop in Bellingham to get new tires on my car and have breakfast with Elyse.

Then we hit the road for Keystone/Port Townsend ferry.

We swapped life stories and snapped some amazing photos of the coast and ferry.

We were several hours behind schedule but it meant we could stop in Port Angeles at Bella Italia for some dinner.

I don't eat mushrooms so I ordered the Manicotti.... but our appie and the bread and balsalmic was delicious!

We finally made it to Forks for Twitarded Weekend....

Twitarded gets air at Kalaloch Beach - Photo from Twitarded

We met some fellow Twitarded people and chatted it up.

By the time we got into Forks it was time to party.

We rested briefly and headed to The Dungeon, the "volturi themed" bar.

It was not nearly large enough for the over 100 of us.

We drank, laughed, hung out with the photographers and cameramen that Jenny Jerkface and STY brought along with them.

Here is a sample of the craziness.... Charlie 'staches, twidoll sex, and more:

Soon they opened up the Twilight Lounge upstairs and we went up for dancing and more drinking. There were these cute lil apples all over the tables and the bartender even gave me one - which was rad because I planned to steal one (or 10) anyways...

Met some amazeballs people and got slightly more intoxicated than anticipated.

Luckily the locals were there to entertain us and a few hard core partiers (I am looking at you @StarlitViolets) who helped me shut the place down!

Somehow we got back to the hotel and I was lifted off the floor into bed where I apparently crashed instantly....

I woke up feeling not so hot... but that is Day 2 - - - Coming Soon!


  1. Mandy, is was amazing to meet you in person. I'm so glad you took time out of your hectic schedule to stop in FORKS!! Can't wait to hear how your CH tour went.


  2. You are a hoot and I hope the cherries weren't too much for you :)

    I wish you could have stayed longer, although it looks as though you had a great time at Twi-con.

    And, I still stand by my thoughts...I think Jacob would be catching not pitching in the Jacob/Edward, uhmmmm, fun!

    So glad I got to meet you.
