Friday, October 8, 2010

My Trip - Day 4

Day 4 - how we survived this weekend is beyond me!

Last day in Portland and we enjoyed the speakers.

I did my panel on "When Twilight Came to Town" and showed a slide show of photos from sets from New Moon and Eclipse.

It was a busy but fun weekend but it was time to head out.

We did stop off to see Solomon Trimble, who was Sam in the first Twilight movie. He is friends with my travelmate and so we went to see him and his family and had a delicious dinner together. After he insisted we try Voodoo Doughnuts so we went and there was a line around the block!

Then we hit the road for our long long long drive home.

It was a busy but exciting weekend.

I will post on the individual panels later including Q&A with the cast who attended the convention.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some good looking women u hang with!! LOL
