Monday, November 15, 2010

Kate plus 8 - homeschooling her expelled children

Rumours were that two of Kate's kids were expelled for bullying and bad behaviour. Of course the media is all over this as yet another point against the mother / family.

Reports say:
Colin and Alexis Gosselin, both 6, were indeed asked to leave, the source said, although not for bad behavior as has been rumored.

"The situation is being grossly overstated," the source said. "The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn't feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter."

Who knows? But I think those kids have had great opportunities because of the show but also great sacrifices and traumas.... it will not and does not surprise me to hear they are having "issues" regardless of if they are academic, behavioural or otherwise.


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