Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog-o-Rama & Wayer for Elephants Screening

I know I am so behind in posting, but I promise one day this week I will do a huge blog session and get caught up with all the news, photos, as well as stuff from Seattle Twilight onvention and other awesomeness that has been going on!

One thing I have to share - - - sooooo exciting!!!

Thursday I am going with a few girlfriends to Seattle for a pre-screening of WATER FOR ELEPHANTS!!! #ubersquee!!!

It is way early and is intended to be an audience feedback screening - so I am really psyched.

There will likely be rules about whst I can and can't say after but I will be sure to give you as much deets as I am allowed :)

Hope everyone had a good Monday - - more posts soon!


  1. Thanks! Please let it be PG13.

  2. Lucky you! hope you can share some bits.

  3. The screening has been canceled, I was called Wednesday and would have thought you and everyone else had been too. I am a film editor here in town and word is in the biz that the screening invite went public and they canceled it since there are too many twihards going. I have attended 50+ test screenings in the Pac NW alone since 2008 and this is the first to be canceled for this sort of reason, that says something LOL!
