Friday, February 4, 2011

Blue Valentine

I went and saw Blue Valentine.

It was very moving.

It was like they took the reality of relationships and exposed them.

I could relate to parts of the characters love and turmoil. I have experienced some of those things in my marriage and moreso in some of my previous relationships, but I think that is why it works.

It is real.

Ryan Gosling is amaze. Michelle Williams is fab. The story is superb.

It is not a must-see in theatre. In fact the hand held camera shots made me feel a bit nauseated and I would have prefered to see it at home on dvd. (In fact, I probably will get the dvd it was really great)

Have you seen it? Thoughts?

It was sad, but real. I felt it ended somewhat abruptly, and would have liked a little more, though it was moving and quite clear where the story would go from there I think.

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