Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hunger Games Boosts Economy

Small Towns bring in big bucks when major motion pictures come to town. This is one reason the first Twilight did not film in Forks, it was simply too small to accomodate cast, crew, equipment...

Vancouver, already a large city, definately felt a boost in tourism when the Twilight films came to town....

And now, Hunger Games is experiencing the boost...

Citizen Times writes:

Restaurant owner Chris Canoutas can measure the impact of a big Hollywood movie production in straightforward fashion — by the number of pepperoni slices, pounds of pizza dough and jars of tomato sauce he goes through.

Those numbers have been up dramatically over the past few weeks, according to the owner of Pleasant City Wood Fired Grille in downtown Shelby, an hour’s drive east of Asheville.

“I would say I’ve seen about a 20 percent increase in business from the construction guys coming in and building the set, then the shooting and now the tearing down of the set,” Canoutas said.

“We’ve sort of been their spot for coming in to wind down,” said Canoutas, who serves up brick oven pizzas and craft beers, including Asheville-brewed Highland Gaelic Ale.

“It’s made a good month great, and it’s still going on,” he said.

The increased pizza production is just one small example of the big economic ripple effect that the filming of “The Hunger Games” is having statewide, including Western North Carolina. Around the state, the $75 million production is pumping cash into small town restaurants and antique shops, putting money in the pockets of technicians and setting the stage for a future boost in tourist spending

I would go down if I could...

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