Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hunger Games Movie Tie-ins and more

Scholastic will be releasing a special gift set edition of The Hunger Games later this year.

Also, three movie tie-in editions will be released in early 2012 just in time for The Hunger Games movie to hit theaters on March 23, 2012.

The Hunger Games Collector’s Edition will sell for about $30 and will be available in November. It will include a special slipcase featuring new, exclusive mockingjay artwork.

In February, Scholastic will also publish a movie tie-in edition of The Hunger Games, retailing for about $13. Scholastic will also publish The Hunger Games: Official Illustrated Movie Companion for $18.99 and The World of The Hunger Games for $17.99, both also set for release in February.

From the Press Release:
“Millions of readers have already discovered the world of The Hunger Games series, and now even more will come to it through the release of the film,” said Ellie Berger, President of the Scholastic Trade Publishing division. “The collector’s edition will be the perfect holiday gift this year for teens or adults, and the tie-in books will add new dimensions to our Hunger Games publishing as we anticipate the release of the feature film.”


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