Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dexter featured at Showtime Panel at SDCC

Over 4,000 fans filled Ballroom 20 of the San Diego Convention Center on Thursday to revel in this year's "Dexter" Comic-Con panel. The one-hour session featured Michael C. Hall along with cast mates Jennifer Carpenter, James Remar and the show's executive producers discussing some of the story and character arcs from the highly-anticipated fifth season which premieres on Sunday, September 26th at 9:00 PM ET/PT on Showtime.

Hit Fix Live Blogged from the Showtime Panel which featured Shameless, Homeland and of course, Dexter...

6:15 p.m. Not surprisingly, Showtime put "Shameless" and "Homeland" first, keeping people around until "Dexter."

6:30 p.m. The "Homeland" panel ends with Morena Baccarin taking a picture of us.

6:31 p.m. "Dexter" likes having associated games. This fall, the new game "Slice of Life" will premiere.

6:33 p.m. Time to watch the first trailer for the new season of "Dexter." We start with Dexter getting ready to do his Dexter thing to a religious fundamentalist. Cut to "Person Jesus" as an always-awesome music cue. Brief glimpse of Edward James Olmos. Brief glimpse of Mos Def. Brief glimpse of Colin Hanks. Not sure I got much of a feeling for the season. But it was still creepy.

Here is the trailer:

6:37 p.m. Lame Casey Anthony joke from moderator Ralph Garman.

6:38 p.m. Huge applause for C.S. Lee. He's Harry Tang, darnit.

6:38 p.m. "I can neither confirm nor deny any involvement in the 'Dexter' television program," says Colin Hanks, who will be playing a character named Travis Marshall. "You're going to see some stuff this season that you have not seen in previous seasons. It's going to be exciting and I may or may not be a part of it," says Hanks, who calls working on "Dexter" a treat

6:40 p.m. Harrison's getting older. "He's a lot heavier," Michael C. Hall says. He says that the actors playing Harrison have learned the concept of "No." Hall says that "a big engine" at the beginning of the season is Harrison evolving from infancy into a little boy. Dexter decides he has to give Harrison some sort of "spiritual grounding."

6:41 p.m. Producer Sara Colleton says that part of this season's journey for "Dexter" and Dexter involves our anti-hero's attempts to define faith. "It's done in true 'Dexter' style, so it's a lot of fun and it's through is prism," Colleton says.

6:43 p.m. Hall says that last season's Lumen storyline allowed Dexter to atone for his guilt involving Rita's death. Hall teases that this season picks up a year later and Dexter is "back to his killing ways."

6:44 p.m. James Remar says that Harry spends much of the season as a sounding board or a Devil's advocate. "Harry's there," he says.

6:45 p.m. "Matsuka loves you too," C.S. Lee says to the pleased crowd. He teases that Matsuka has some interns this season, "women and men." There's a Facebook tie-in to the intern search. Naturally. "He possibly, maybe, probably does get into some trouble with some interns," Lee says.

6:47 p.m. The first audience question is if The Trinity Killer will ever return. The "Dexter" team is confused. "You've gotta pick and choose your ghosts," Hall says, though he admits he'd love to find a way to work again with John Lithgow.

6:48 p.m. Dexter will be concerned that Harrison will inherit certain traits. Which we knew. Or maybe I'm just confusing it with the Arlene's Devil Baby subplot on "True Blood" this season.

6:49 p.m. "Fortunately, we've achieved a certain amount of cache with the show," says Scott Buck of attracting guest stars.

6:50 p.m. Will they be touching on anymore of the books? They have to answer this one every year. Sara Colleton explains, as she always does, that they only acquired the rights to the first book and that they've evolved their own Dexter from there. "We don't even need the books," she says.

6:50 p.m. Which seasons were their favorites? "My favorite season is yet to come, because Matsuka and Debra have yet to get married," Lee says. Nobody else gets to answer.

6:51 p.m. There's a question that has the entire audience thinking the fan wants Dexter to kill Godzilla. But instead she wants Dexter to kill a general from Burma.

6:53 p.m. "Dexter" is an improvisation-free zone.

6:53 p.m. Is Michael C. Hall concerned that "Dexter" is educating future serial killers? "I don't think the show is any kind of manual," Hall says, pointing out that there are always plot holes. "He obviously has the power of invisibility. He can turn himself into smoke. There's all sorts of things we don't see. No. I don't think the show is any kind of guidebook on how to do it. It's more of a fantasy."

6:54 p.m. "Deb is very smart, but Dexter's smarter," Buck says regarding the obligatory question about whether/if Deb is about to find out about Dexter.

6:55 p.m. Question from East Long Beach, where the show films. Everybody's excited by the names of locations. "We've eaten all the meat off the bone of Long Beach," Hall admits.

6:58 p.m. "I'd like to thank my fellow actors for all of the inorganic pauses Dexter takes," jokes Hall of the character's frequent internal monologues.

6:58 p.m. "My question is for C.S. Lewis..." Everybody laughs at the fan. The fan seems unaware that anything was misspoken.

7:00 p.m. MOS DEF is in the audience! Asking a question! He's wondering if he can join the panel on stage. I believe he's just Mos now. Anyway, he comes up on stage.

7:00 p.m. Do people give Hall funny looks at the super market? "I give it back to them and I've gotten a lot of free groceries as a result."

7:01 p.m. What can Mos tell us about his character, Brother Sam? "I could, but then Dexter would kill me."

7:01 p.m. I've heard Hall give the answer about his compulsions, which don't involve actually committing murder himself, at least a half-dozen times.

7:01 p.m. Nobody has an end date in mind for "Dexter." Hall adds, "But that time will come. Everything has to end."

7:05 p.m. Will there be a "Dexter"/"Burn Notice" crossover? No.

7:06 p.m. Lee does Matsuka's funny nervous-laugh and incites the crowd to join in. This is just zipping along. Lots of one-word answers. Or one-laugh answers.

7:07 p.m. Would Lee be interested in Matsuka having a romantic relationship? "Well, according to Matsuka, his ways are romantic," Lee says. An impressive number of questions for C.S. Lee. But nobody has asked him if he's going to return to "Chuck" for its final season.

7:09 p.m. Hall says that although Dexter isn't pining over Lumen, the character's "appetite to connect in a legitimate way" remains intact. Hall notes that Dexter makes his closest connections to people when he's about to kill somebody.

7:11 p.m. "I like to draw from some of my friends who have similar qualities. I won't name them. They know who they are," C.S. Lee says of how he finds his inner Matsuka.

7:11 p.m. Yes, Trinity killed Rita. Apparently some people thought there was ambiguity there.

7:12 p.m. What's the vibe on set? "I've been having fun," Mos says. "I've been having a good time," Hanks says, though he admits that he's done most of his shooting with Olmos and not much with Hall at all.

7:15 p.m. Wow. A second mention of "Gamer." I shouldn't be surprised. And yet... Hall says he'd love to find more roles with a body-count of zero.

7:15 p.m. Supergirl loves Hall and she was very depressed with Rita died. She asks a valid question: Will Astor and Cody be back? "I think a really legitimate connection has been formed with those kids... They definitely remain within his awareness. I can't say for sure we'll see them, but we'll probably hear about them," Hall says.

7:19 p.m. "I think Matsuka, if he ever found out, he'd be so scared that he'd laugh and pass out," Lee says of his character's possible reaction to Dexter's secret.

7:20 p.m. Hall's secret to keeping the two kids who play Harrison "in the zone"? He drives them around the set in a golf cart.

7:22 p.m. Mos Def swears and Colin Hanks has to point out the "Some members will be under the age of 18" warning on the back of their placards. Mos doesn't have a placard, so it's OK.

7:23 p.m. Another enthusiastic reference to "Gamer."

7:24 p.m. An audience member in a Mos Def shirt wants to know how Mos Def got the job. "I practice voodoo," Mos replies. He's joking. The reality? They called his agent and pitched him on a story arc. "All jokes aside, I was really honored and blessed," Mos says, calling himself a fan of the show since Day 1. "If I wasn't up here, I'd probably be out there asking the same questions," Mos says.

7:26 p.m. "Will Dexter evolve into a lighter or darker character in the future?" Hall replies, "Yes. Both."

That's all, folks...

More for Season 6:

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