Thursday, July 21, 2011

First Photo: Lily Collins in Snow White

We already know there are two Snow White movies coming up - the Lily Collings version and the Kristen Stewart version.

Hitfix writes:

Relativity has made the first move in the promo department however, with this brand new still of Snow White herself, Lily Collins.

Collins stars alongside Julia Roberts and Armie Hammer ("The Social Network") in the as-of-now untitled Snow White film from Relativity Media, directed by Tarsem Singh ("The Cell," the upcoming "Immortals").

The other movie, "Snow White and the Huntsman" promises a grittier take on the tale and stars Kristen Stewart ("The Twilight Saga"), Chris Hemsworth ("Thor") and Oscar-winner Charlize Theron ("Monster").

This Snow White opens nationwide March 16, 2012, with "Huntsman" following in June 2012.

I worry that because 'Huntsman' opens second people won't see TWO Snow White's within a few months, but Kristen has a HUGE Twilight following and it looks to be a rougher movie that may attract a different crowd - time will tell.


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