What do you think?
EW writes:
Producer Joe Roth tells EW that he plans on making the folktale action-adventure movie into a trilogy. “It’s meant to be the first in a series of films,” he said. “This story will end, but there will be questions remaining for these three characters.”
As for casting Stewart in the role: “Frankly what we did, we searched high and low for an unknown. Which was my want after Alice,”he says. “As we went through it, it just became evident to me that Kristen occupies a space in the universe where she’s a terrific actress only known for one part. I hope this is a movie that will appeal to those who find Twilight appealing, but also (Stewart) is someone who has some piss and vinegar in her.”
Wouldn't SWATH be another Damsel in Distress? Maybe I'm wrong.