Monday, August 15, 2011

Hells Kitchen Top 9

Tonight's episode of Hell's Kitchen included some interesting desserts, a trip to Vegas, more Carrie vs. Elise and a shocking ending. One of my Top 4 was sent packing and after Jonathan's departure last week, I am now left with only 2 of my Top 4 remaining.

From sticky buns, to playboy playmates, Tonight's episode was pretty awesome.


The first challenge was to make desserts for guest judges Waylynn Lucas and Jordan Kahn.

After some disagreement, the Red Team left Elise's giant cup of something out of the competition. Jennifer volunteered her's out first to stop the fighting but Carrie was adament about removing Elise's.

Blue vs. Red

Tommy's Sticky Buns (which he makes for his 19 year old girlfriend, yes he is 31) got a total of 2 stars

vs. Jaime's bread pudding which for a total of 3 stars

Paul's banana polenta got 3 stars from each judge for a total of 6 stars

vs. Lis'z ricotta something or other which only got 3 stars.

Natalie's espresson bread pudding brough in a total of 3 stars

vs. Carrie's Blondie which only got 2 stars

Finally Will got 2 stars for his dessert vs. Jennifer who got 6 stars giving the Red Team the win!

Chef Ramsay had the judges taste Elise's dessert and they said it smelled like vinegar and was disgusting, so Carrie was right in having it removed instead of Jennifer's who gave them the win with 6 stars!

The reward

The ladies went to Vegas and stayed in an amazing villa. They met Holly madison the playboy playmate and won a trip to return to Vegas after Hell's Kitchen ends!

Date Night in Hell's Kitchen

Dinner Service was a disaster After their win, the red team had numerous failures in the kitchen leaving them vulnerable to send someone home.

After both Carrie and Elise had been kicked out of the kitchen for crappy service and Jaime and Tommy had both been kind of lost in their own kitchens it came down to Carrie or Elise to go home.

Chef Ramsay called them both... to go back in line, much to everyone's shock and sent Jaime home.

Jaime was an early favourite along with Jonathan and with both gone I am left only with my Top 2, both who are on the Blue Kitchen...

Will & Natalie.

Who are you rooting for ?

What did you think of tonight's episode?

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