Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Master Chef Finale

Tonight we saw the final three; Christian, Adrien and Jennifer, compete to become the next Master Chef.

The show was two hours and opened with a mystery box challenge which brought the cooks full circle - - Chicken!

They had 60 minutes to prepare an entree that would wow the judges.


He created a Bacon wrapped chicken with French Onion Sauce and acorn squash. He had good taste but poor plating.


He created a Briased Chicken thigh with acorn squah and asparagus on rice. He used herb oil and had a salsa verde. He was complimented on both plating and taste. His asparagus was cooked in rendered bacon fat which added a nice flavour according to the judges.


She also did a Bacon wrapped chicken with apples and jalepeno. She stuffed her chicken and although it was strong creatively, it feel short in some technique as the thigh was undercooked slightly.

The judges decided who was weakest, who won the challenge and then they moved onto the Pressure test....

Read on for results, recap and spoilers....


Jennifer's was the weakest according to the judges and Adrien won the challenge, giving him first pick of the three choices of ingredients in the Pressure Test.

Choice #1 - Veal
Choice #2 - Mushrooms
Choice #3 - Octopus

Adrien went on a limb and chose Octopus for himself. A risk that could make or break him given the difficulty of the ingredient.

Christian had second choice, ultimately choosing for Jennifer also. He chose veal, leaving Jennifer with mushrooms, which he hoped would be a challenge for her. Unfortunately for him, she grew up near mushroom capitol and is VERY familiar with the various types available for this challenge.

They had 10 minutes to gather ingredients only, 60 minutes to cook and then present to the judges. All previous contestents were brought back to the gallery to cheer the final three on.


Planned a complex veal dish that fell flat half way through and so he changed it up to be a simple veal, mashed potatoe and vegetable medley. He made themistake of serving bone-on veal atop the mashed potatoes, which led to an embarassing moment of Joe cutting it off the bone and replating it for him. He was complimented on good taste, even cooking of the veal but fairly simple dish.


He created a pan seared octopus with saffron rice and watercress salad. It was beautifully plated and he was complimented on the flavour, technique and overall skill.


Took a huge risk creating a Mushroom and egg raviolo with mushroom ragu. She changed her pasta up part way through opting to do the ravioli and creating an egg yolk pasta where if cooked correctly would ooze over the dish and if cooked incorrectly would create a tasteless dish clearly under or over cooked.

In the end the judges chose Adrien and Jennifer to move onto the finals,leaving Christian utterly shocked!

Christian joined the gallery upstairs and we moved onto the second house of the two-hour finale with the final two ready to roll.

Jennifer and Adrien's families were brought in to cheer from the gallery and the challenge began.


2 hours to prepare an appetizer, entree and dessert.


Adrien - Spot Prawns Taquitos with avocado sauce and microgreens. He used jicama not tortilla's and it was described as a light but fresh flavour.

Jennifer - Seared callops and quail eggs with cream corn and pea puree. It was complimented for excellent cooking and taste.


Adrien - Beer Braised Short Ribs

Jennifer - Stuffed Quail with Jalepeno and chorizo.

Both entree's were complimented on amazing plating, taste and skill.


Adrien - Chocolate Torte with blood orange, passion fruit and chipotle. Judges were disaapointed with it overall.

Jennifer - Pears and Apples in a wine sauce. Chef's liked flavour but thought it was too simple.

In the end the winner was announced......... Jennifer!

I was pretty shocked! I had been rooting for her and Adrien for a while now, especially after Ben left. I did not like Christian or Suzy but feared Christian may win or make the final two, despite his ego.

I am pretty happy with the results overall... it was a great season!

Are you happy with the results?

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