Monday, August 1, 2011

Top 16 Perform on SYTYCD Canada

I Originally blogged this at

Judges: Jean-Marc Genereux, Tré Armstrong, Sergio Trujillo, Dan Karaty.

Francois & Lindsey
Hip Hop - Luther Brown
"Massive Attack" - Nicki Minaj

She was definately harder hitting than him. They were alien robots and they moved very quickly. It was entertaining and fun and should keep them safe, I hope.

Jordan & Shane
Contemporary - Nico Archambault & Wynn Holmes
"Wake Up Alone" - Amy Winehouse

This was a moving piece, not only because of the artist, Amy Winehouse's recent death, but also because of the choreography. It is no secret how much I adore Jordan, and I am also a huge fan of Nico and Wynn. This piece was really amazing and the way the two moved together was really effortless. Judge Dan Karaty commented on how in past seasons it was aspiring dancers, but how we are spoiled this season with such talented, established dancers. This was one of my favourites of the night.

Yulia & Matt
Quick Step - Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin
"Can't Touch It" - Ricky-Lee

They had good speed, it was good choreography, but overall just an average performance for me. I expected more from Yulia since it was her genre. Great effort, but just sort of fell short unfortunately.

Christian & Melissa
Tango - Tony Meredith and Melanie LePatin
"La Bohemia" - Electro Dub

This has some really nice lifts and flips. It was extremely sexy. I really enjoyed it, and I generally don't care for the ballroom as much as Contemporary or hip hop.

Geish & JP
House - ShoTyme
"What I Need" - Crystal Waters

This was kind of a hot mess in my opinion. I tlooked chaotic, and not the "controlled chaos" that some routines require. JP looked very feminine in the white wavy pants, which took away form his foot work because they were flapping around his legs. It was a really good effort, you could see them really trying, but it fell short for me as it looked all over the place.

Kevin & Shelaine
Contemporary - Sabrina Matthews
"Rolling Deep" - Adele

The story for this routine, as Sabrina Matthews always has a story, was a man who left his wife for another woman and is now trying to get her back. She is supposed to be angry and Shelaina played the part well. It was very angry and spastic, on the edge of losing control, but still in control (unlike the House piece with JP and Geisha) it was emotional, it told the story well and was really engaging to watch. Probably my favourite of the night, which is saying something because usally Jordan steals that spot!

Denitsa & Joey
Salsa - Gustavo Vargas
"Mirame" - Chivirico Davila

The judges really loved this piece, but I didn't see it. Of course I am not a salsa expert but to me they wereout of synch, lacked chemistry and their arms were tangled and not fluid. I love Joey and I know Jean-Marc loves Denitsa, so maybe the judges comments were to try and convince viewers they were good and to vote? Besides a nice ending lift I just found the routine to be pretty unimpressive.

Carlena & Adam
Theatre - Sean Cheesman
"Kiss of the Spiderwoman" - Chita Rivera

I always love Sean Cheesman's choreography. He takes a very unique approach to the music and this routine was no different. I loved Carlena in this, she was fierce! Adam did well also, catching and throwing and supporting Carlena, but she was definately the star! There seemed to be a hiccup with a lift, but no one mentioned it so maybe I am wrong... they really beat up each other in this routine flying and jumping all over. It was supposed to be the battle between the King and Queen in chess - really awesome!!

SO based on that here are my POwer Rankings, feel free to argue. I am going against the judges on a few here so will be interesting if Canada votes with judges or how I think they might.

Top 3:
Kevin & Shelaina
Jordan & Shane
Christian & Melissa

Middle 2:
Carlena & Adam
Francois & Lindsey

Bottom 3:
Denitsa & Joey
JP & Geisha
Yulia & Matt

I know my Bottom 3 were not the judges Bottom 3, so I could be way off, but that is how I felt about the routines - so I am going with my gut. I think JP and Geisha will go home.... even though I thought LAST NIGHT Yulia and Matt were not as good.

We will see later tonight - - - Comments? Leave them below!

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