Sunday, September 25, 2011

Countdown to #Forks2011

I am pretty excited. Not Gonna Lie

Last year, I was heading to Portland for Creation's Twilight Convention with @Lorabell (Where we did the EPIC Catherine Hardwicke Twilight Set Tour! And pitstopped in Astoria for some Goonie's set sites) but we stopped for anight to partake in Twitarded's 2010 Forks Trip.

In just onenight I met some of the most awesome people ever, was reunited with some of my fave Twi-friends ever, and drank enough to feel no shame in peeing behind Bella's truck.

This year, I am going for two nights and I expect it will be nothing short of epic.

We pretty much take over the town, and absolutely take over the motel

Last year there was the Twilight Lounge and Dungeon where we rocked out allll nightttt longgggg (no joke, @StarlitViolets and I shut the place down and her and her hubby pretty much carried me back to my room where @TwiredJen watched me drunk fall into bed)

Yup that is me in behind the dance party, mingling but too drunk to quite stay standing if I shake mah groove thang too hard
 This year instead of the bar, which sadly shut down for economic reasons, the lovely ladies at Twitarded have booked a hall and a shuttle to / from hall (I think this is in part to avoid me being arrested for peeing in public) and some other surprises for us Twi Gals to partay hard this weekend!

I can not wait! People have been asking... why? "It's not Stephenie Meyer day" and "Is there something going on"

My answer - NO not Stephenie Meyer day, this is BIGGER than that - this is

Yes, those were all mine.... One bartender, 100+ of us... you stocked up when you could
Hope to see you there...... I Promise it will be a blast and I will post pics and stories after.... well... some... What Happens in Forks, Stays in Forks.... ha!