Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some Photos from the Past Few Days

I have posted a lot more photos  on my FaceBook (Mandy S Mind) and I did a post about my experiences the past few days below (Scroll down) but for now here are a few fun photos I wanted to share...

Kellan Lutz comes by Tent City

Stephenie Meyer gave all the fans in tent city an autographed Breaking Dawn book then three winners had a gold sticker inside and won tickets to the Premiere and after-party

MyAnna Buring and Casey LaBow - Denali Girls

Peter Facinelli Sunday with fans

Jackson Rathbone making goofy faces with fans

So hot

Booboo and Jackson signing autographs for fans

Brady Fuller, Collin in Breaking Dawn

Mia Maestro performs

Charlie Bewley hosts soundtrack concert

Like I said truly hundreds more photos to upload and dozens more already up on facebook - go peek and scroll down to my last post for info on my experiences the past few days.

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