Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hells Kitchen - Episode 2

First they were woken up at 6am by loud rap music... then, in their PJs raced down stairs where their first challenge began...


Digging through the ice piles they had to find all the scallops. This was tough as some were in barefoot, PJs and Royce even got a split bloddy nose.

Once completed they had the challenge to prepare 6 scallop dishes. The women took an early lead and win the challenege.

Men are left to clean up the ice pile while women head for a yacht party to Catalina with Chef Ramsay.

Men eat poorly cooked scallops turned into shakes and Royce and Brian have conflict. Meanwhile, Women feast and toast and zip line and laugh and play.

Before second dinner service, men seem united but the women struggle to get along, communicate and share... Robyn and Barbie have beef over stupid things and it seems dinner service will be a challange because of this.

In addition to the regular menu items they have table side shrimp scampi appetizer. Christina and Brian are on the floor preparing these table side and the rest are intheir team kitchens.

Don struggles with pizza under Chef Ramsay's observation, which he admits makes him nervous. These nerves, or lack of skills lead to a burned AND raw pizza... go figure!

Both kitchens have issues throughout dinner service - no surprise!

Additionally, raw and overcooked shrimp for a table on the blue team leads to Brian getting shouted at from Ramsay.

Things get intense in both kitchens, but two hours into service, the red kitchen gets kicked out. The ladies lose it and it's yelling, screaming, hissy fits. Tiffany is throwing things and Kimmie is swearing.

The blue kitchen is not far behind and is kicked out of the kitchen also.

This seems common nowadays - they never get through the dinner service. If I was going as a guest I would try for near the end when I could at least get some food in my belly after two hours of listening to Ramsay scream in the kitchen.

Red Team/ Ladies as well as the Blue Team / Men both lose "A sinking ship and a runaway train"

They both need to come up with two names to put forward for judging/be sent home.

The men seem to be on the same page, mostly, with Chris (who even nominated himself) some suggest Don, but others think Royce. Guy says if a man can't man up he should go home... looks like Royce as 2nd nomination? I guess we will see who they ask, each person seems to have a different 2nd choice.

The red team all agrees on Barbie also.. Tiffany is still losing her mind while Kimmie offers to up against Barbie to send her home. The ladies agree on Roshni, who is not impressed as she doesn't deserve to be up based on tonight's service.

Red: Barbie who isn't a team player and Roshni.
Blue: Chris based on performance tonight and Royce based on performance on garnish.

Ramsay calls all four forward and Roshni explains how she was just the second vote. Barbie says Kimmie and Robyn are worst chefs for bringing down the moral.

Royce talks about his dedication and says his performance tonight isn't representative of his abilities. Chris says he is a strong cook, with passion and desire and admits he messed up tonight and owned it.

Ramsay made some snide remarks in response to them all, he then calls Roshni and Royce to return to line.

In the end, Ramsay says it is difficult and says truthfully they should both be going home, he calls Barbie and sends her back in line then takes Chris' jacket.

Chris heads home, sadly. But we need the girlie drama for the show so of course Barbie will stay to keep Kimmie and Robyn talking ghetto and threatening her.

"Piss Off"

and as if on cue, Robyn moans and whines about Barbie... Barbie talks smack back and then Ramsay finishes off with him clever one liner...

Next Week:

Barbie may have survived elimination, but will she survive the night? Looks like Robyn, Tiffany and Kimmie are all from the same ghetto hood and attack Barbie... Tiffany is even in her bra and bouncing at Barbie threatening her... while Robyn looks on approvingly nodding... oh so gangsta


Next week will be more drama - of course.... still too soon to pick a favourite but I do enjoy the girlie drama and the boy stupidity - for now.

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