Friday, July 20, 2012

#BB14 Spoilers

HOLY DRAMA... some one is kicked off the show... Coaches Comp. (Do they save or trade a player?) who is nominated?


Apparently Dan and Boogie threw the competition and Janelle won. She chose to save Ashley this week and not do a trade. She also chose to put Brit's team as HAVE NOTS.

The feeds went down as soon as shit hit the fan but here is what went down:

After Willie already said no one would send him out the door, it seems he did excatly what he needed to in order to go home...

He got mad at Janelle for putting him as a have not, he threw pork rinds at Janie and called her names, then he and Joe had it out and there was some head butts and such.

Needless to say he went to DR and then was expelled from show.

also I believe JoJo and Shane are up / nominated...

Going to be a good week but not sure how it will play out with so few players left now.. obviously coaches will join or they will bring player(s) back.

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