Friday, July 27, 2012

#bb14 Updates - Today's Coache's Comp, Have Nots, Targets...

Live feeds just returned....


At first there was a leak during trivia/feeds off/coaches comp, and I thought Dan won but turns out Janelle won, and seems to have saved Wil.

Janie telling her team they need to win POV to keep Joe safe, doesn't think they'd go after Ashley, it would be a waste.

She asks Danielle if she was told she was safe, she says no... janie thinks Danielle and Ashley should stay, not targets this week. TRhinks Frank should be nominated.

Boogie and Shane talking and it sounds like Joe would be the one to target and get out, and Shane may nominate one from each team.

Janelle is worried they won't nominate Frank and doesn't understand why, he is a big threat. She is trying to talk to Dan to figure it out, Dan thanks her for not trading players. (Apparently producers in DR were trying to pusht hem to do a trade.) and says theyw ill talk more later.

Brit seems to agree with Shane now that it is not time to go after Frank yet, but wants to wait until after veto to strike deals/plan ahead.

Joe, Ian and ? are have nots.

*UPDATE* - Sounds like Frank *MAY* go up, so he can play veto and Shane stays "in the middle" one from each team (Joe too) but that Joe would be target... lot's of game talk going on, lot's of up in the air...

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